Friday, July 17, 2009

Txting Is Dangerous 4 U

"Dr. Laura" has written a very interesting blog item about text messaging on cell phones. She reminds us all of just how distracting texting is.

And when it comes to memorizing, texting is devastating for learning, unless of course you are texting about the content you are learning.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Computer Game May Help ADHD - Guest Blog

An ongoing study that is being conducted by the University of Wollongong in Australia has so far found that a computer game can help improve children’s memory and attention span, especially children with ADHD. The University of Wollongong study is based on a pilot program conducted in 2007 that discovered that the use of cognitive training in children could improve brain function for those with ADHD. The new study at the University of Wollongong has introduced the computer game for purposes of cognitive training and requires children between the ages of seven and fourteen to play two computer games for just fifteen minutes a day for four weeks. Children with and without ADHD are being asked to participate in the study.
In addition to asking the students to play the computer games each day, scientists at the University of Wollongong monitor the children’s memory, impulse control, and attention span for 1.5 hours before and after they play the games. The scientists at the university believe that playing the computer games will help the children with ADHD improve their basic cognitive skills including memory and attention span, and will also heighten the skills of the children without ADHD, including learning and comprehension skills. The university has not revealed the exact nature of the computer games, only referring to them as “simple.” Children are allowed to play the games on their computers at home, and only report to the university if they choose to complete their 1.5-hour skills assessment at the university. Otherwise, they can be monitored at home for the entire four weeks.
Although the study has not been completed yet, scientists at the University of Wollongong do report that they have noticed improvements in “several” children’s attention span, memory and impulse control.
This post was contributed by Tara Miller, who writes about the online psychology degree. She welcomes your feedback at TaraMillerr00 at